Green tea is 1 out of 4 kinds of tea that comes from the plant "Camellia Sinensis". There are green tea, black tea, white tea and oolong tea. All of them have different properties, flavors, antioxidants and benefits but all of them have something in common: they all contain caffeine, catechins, polyphenols and other ingredients that, in some how manner, help promoting fat loss in our body.
Unless you have a problem with caffeine, consuming tea will bring a lot of benefits to your health. It would be a real shame that you can't enjoy the flavor of this wonder, because you are missing one of Mother Nature's best gifts. Even so, tea contains less caffeine than coffee. If you are worried about your sleep time and don't want troubles at night, just don't take any tea after mid-afternoon.
Respect the thermogenic effect of tea to lose weight, let me tell you that green tea and oolong tea are the best to achieve that because both of them contain powerful antioxidants and ingredients that inhibit fat while you are eating. Moreover, investigators know that caffeine is a good helper for fat loss. This is a good reason to avoid decaffeinated tea. Always look for normal and organic tea only.
A good idea is drinking a mix of the 4 teas, a cold mix, at each meal, just to enjoy the unique benefits of every one of them. Go to the store and get the four kinds of tea, make every one in separate, mix them in a jar and take it to the fridge. Every time you start eating, enjoy your mix of 4 teas. From now on, you will have a better fat loss, I'm sure, and your metabolism will also improve due to the low-digesting properties of green and oolong teas.
Never spend your money in products or supplements containing "green tea" or "extract of green tea" because you are taking your money down to the toilet. Always drink tea in its natural way, as indicated above, and try to buy it organic and/or free of pesticides.
Notes and Conclusions: You can use green tea and the others to support your weight loss program, as helpers. But regardless of all the benefits of tea, if you are eating more calories than you need, your weight loss efforts won't work. So please, don't try to fool yourself.
I hope you enjoyed knowing about the properties of tea to lose weight and fat loss. There are a lot of benefits that remain hidden in tea, but scientists keep investigating and discovering more things every day. You will see me very often around here, so please, stay connected to my posts. Bye.
One last thing… you should try this 10-second “morning trigger” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 10-second morning trigger?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the morning trigger, but more about how they help raise your body’s low core temperature to dramatically increase your fat burning metabolism and improve your health and appearance.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right — it actually took me 19 days to lose 24 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently
Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…
Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.
And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.
Click here to see the 10-second “morning trigger” that helped me melt away 24 pounds in just 19 days
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