Don’t we all feel absolutely uncomfortable when we feel that our tummies are jutting out a little too much? How many dresses have we thrown to the back of the closet simply because the tummy becomes a little too obvious when they are worn!
And have you all noticed? When trying to lose weight, everything else sheds almost easily when compared to the amount of work that you need to do to lose all that stubborn fat around the belly! Be it, men or women, no one likes to have a belly that is big and protruding. But the problem is, no matter how hard we work or what kind of workout regime we cut out for ourselves, belly fat just seems to be a recurring problem and almost nightmarish. It is also the most problematic as it can give rise to health issues as well (
However, have you ever thought about the fact that the reason we cannot get our belly fat to go is due to us not treating it the right way? The first point to remember here is that there are actually different types of belly fats, which are each caused by different reasons. And unless you know the cause, how can you bid goodbye to the tummy flab?
Hence if you’ve ever wondered what could be the criminal behind your muffin top – we’ve cracked it all! Here’s a list of the various different types of belly fat, their causes, and what must be done in order to get rid of them effectively.
1. Belly Caused By Alcohol
The thing is very simple: if you drink too much alcohol, it will start to show and most likely on your tummy. The best way to deal with an alcohol belly is to stop drinking too much alcohol. Which is kind of obvious, isn’t it?
But why does alcohol cause our bellies to grow? Firstly, it’s because alcohol doesn’t allow the proper digestion of food, which is quite unhealthy, and secondly as it contains a lot of calories, which are the main culprits when it comes to belly fat. So the next time you are tempted to have another beer, think of what is more important to you – the next glass of beer or a tummy that isn’t too big and protruding. In other words, an alcohol tummy.
2. Belly Caused By Pregnancy
This is probably the cutest belly and also something that is important for the mother and the child because the fat in your tummy actually protects your child when it is in your womb. However, after the baby has arrived in this world, there is no need for that extra protection and you can afford to lose all the extra inches.
However, easier said than done, right? Nevertheless, the best way to do this is to exercise and perhaps do some yoga, but not without consulting your doctor because nothing is more important than yours and your baby’s health – not even losing extra belly fat.
3. Belly Caused By Stress
This is almost like an oxymoron because isn’t stress supposed to make us lose weight? But sadly, it is the other way round. When under a lot of stress, the body tends to put on weight and that too around the belly. This happens because we eat a lot of unhealthy stuff and do not give our bodies enough rest and time to recuperate. The best way to deal with bellies of this kind is to try and de-stress not just the body but our entire life.
It is advisable to include at least some kind of exercise into your daily routine and cut out all the junk and oily food that we tend to subject our bodies to. This, combined with a genuine effort to actually rest well and not spend sleepless nights, is what will work wonders not just for your belly, but also for your entire body and mind as well.
4. Belly Caused By Hormones
Sometimes, belly fat happens due to no particular fault of ours. It happens because of hormonal imbalances. When faced with a situation like this, there isn’t much that you can do about it. However, in tandem with the medicines that you will be taking that your doctor will prescribe you, it is a good idea to lead as healthy a life as possible.
5. Belly Caused By Gas
Nothing is worse than having a bloated belly full of gas. Not only is it extremely uncomfortable, it is also extremely unhealthy and can later go on to cause serious conditions like ulcers, and if not checked in time, stomach cancer as well. The best way to deal with this is to make sure that you do not eat foods that trigger gas and always keep your tummy gas-free. The best way to do is this is to avoid unhealthy and oily food, and stick to healthier options.
One last thing… you should try this 10-second “morning trigger” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 10-second morning trigger?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the morning trigger, but more about how they help raise your body’s low core temperature to dramatically increase your fat burning metabolism and improve your health and appearance.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right — it actually took me 19 days to lose 24 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently
Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…
Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.
And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.
Click here to see the 10-second “morning trigger” that helped me melt away 24 pounds in just 19 days
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