15 Unusual Baking Soda Uses & Remedies.

Baking soda is one of the most used ingredients in everyone’s household. It has been used since ancient Egypt as a cleaning, rising and beautifying agent. However, these are not the only baking soda uses – in fact, the crystalline powder can be used for much more than just that.
What do you use baking soda for? Our guess is for rising dough, cleaning any kind of surface or maintain the volume of your hair.
But, did you know that baking soda can also be used as a deodorant? Or as a natural exfoliator for your skin? Continue reading below to see 15 unusual baking soda uses:

15 Unusual Baking Soda Uses:

1. Treats insect bites

Mix some baking soda with a bit of water and apply it on insect bites in order to stop the swelling and irritation.

2. A natural deodorant

Dab some baking soda on your underarms as a natural deodorant instead of the aluminum-laden deodorants you usually buy.

3. Relieves heartburn

If you’re suffering from heartburn or acid reflux, simply drink a glass of water with a bit of baking soda – the burning will stop almost immediately.

4. A great body scrub

Rub baking soda on your body to eliminate wrinkles, blemishes and other skin imperfections.

5. Great for your hair

Add some baking soda in your shampoo and use it regularly to boost hair growth and your hair’s volume as well.

6. Eliminates stretch marks

Baking soda can erase your stretch marks better than anything else.

7. Eliminates bad breath

Gargle some water and baking soda often to eliminate the bacteria in your mouth responsible for bad breath.

8. Treats rough skin patches

Rub some baking soda on rough skin patches in order to make your skin soft and smooth.

9. Removes stains

A paste of baking soda and water can easily remove any kind of stain from your clothes.
Just leave the stained area to soak in a mixture of both ingredients and you’ll be amazed by the results.

10. Eliminates odors

If your fridge smells bad and you can’t get rid of the odor, put a plate with baking soda in it. It should eliminate it in about a few days.

11. Polishes your jewelry

Use baking soda to polish your jewelry and make them shine once more.

12. Treats tooth abscesses

Gargle a bit of baking soda and water to fight tooth abscesses.

13. Treats sunburns

If nothing works against your sunburns, try applying a paste of water and baking soda on your skin.

14. Soften your beans before cooking

Soak beans in a pot of water and baking soda in order to soften them and make them tastier later.

15. A powerful tooth whitener

Brush your teeth with baking soda a few times a week in order to make them pearly white once again.

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